What are thermal waters

Thermal waters come from natural hot springs that spring forth from underground. The water is geothermally heated by its proximity to hot rock formations deep within the Earth. As it rises, the water is enriched with minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and silica, which have many therapeutic benefits.

Benefits of thermal waters

  1. Relaxation and Stress Relief: The natural warmth aids in muscle relaxation and releasing tension.
  2. Boosting Circulation: The high temperature stimulates blood circulation, improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients in the body.
  3. Skin Health: The naturally occurring minerals help to cleanse and revitalise the skin, leaving it feeling smoother and healthier.
  4. Muscular and Joint Pain Relief: The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of thermal waters are perfect for anyone who suffers from chronic pain or conditions such as arthritis.
  5. Detoxification: Heat-induced perspiration helps to flush toxins from the body, encouraging internal cleansing.

Caldea and Thermal Waters

At Caldea, these waters are central to all our treatments. Caldea’s thermal waters flow from a mineral-rich source that provides unique therapeutic benefits. Visitors can enjoy a diverse range of facilities, such as indoor and outdoor lagoons, Indo-Roman baths, saunas and more, all of which exploit the properties of the thermal waters to the full.

Exploring the thermal waters at Caldea not only delivers an unparalleled relaxation experience, but also contributes to improving your overall wellbeing. Immerse yourself in this peaceful oasis and discover why thermal waters are a priceless natural treasure.


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