The definitive guide to relaxing massages

At Caldea, we understand that a great massage can really boost your wellbeing, so weve developed a selection of relaxing massages that will fit your needs and help you to escape from the stress of day-to-day life. Below is our definitive guide to relaxing massages. 

General massage 

A classic that never fails to deliver, this 60-minute massage encompasses the whole body and brings deep relaxation while relieving muscular tension. Perfect for anyone seeking a complete and revitalising experience. 

Back massage with CBD oil 

A 30-minute treatment that focuses on the back and harnesses the anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties of CBD oil. The perfect way to alleviate specific pains and relieve accumulated stress in the dorsal region. 

Thai massage

This 60-minute traditional massage combines stretching with pressure on specific points on the body. The Thai massage is performed on a tatami mat without oils and is perfect for those in search of a more active and invigorating technique. 

Shiatsu massage

Inspired by traditional Japanese medicine, Shiatsu massage is based on applying pressure with the fingers to specific points on the body. With a duration of 60 minutes, this massage helps to balance energy and encourage complete relaxation. 

Lomi lomi massage

With Hawaiian origins, lomi lomi massage is known for its long, flowing movements that emulate the waves of the ocean. Over a 60-minute period, this massage uses aromatic oils to enrich the sensory experience and bring about deep relaxation. 

Hot stone massage

This 60-minute massage makes use of hot volcanic stones to relax muscles and improve circulation. The stones are positioned at strategic points on the body and combined with manual massage techniques for a complete wellness experience. 

Craniofacial massage

Over the course of 30 minutes, this massage targets the head, neck and face, relieving tension and instilling a sense of serenity. Ideal for those in need of a quick but effective way to relax. . 


At Caldea, we believe that everyone deserves the perfect massage for their needs. From classic massages to traditional techniques, our range is designed to deliver the ultimate relaxation experience. Come and find out how our massages can transform your wellbeing. We’re looking forward to welcoming you to Caldea for an unforgettable experience! 

Please visit our treatments page for more information about our massages and other treatments. 

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